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Idol Page 18

  ‘I can’t believe how quickly this holiday’s gone,’ Carla remarked sadly, breaking into Sadie’s thoughts.

  ‘I know. Five nights – just like that.’ Sadie clicked her manicured fingers as they drove past an enormous billboard advertising Bette Midler. Vegas, the home of showgirls, thought Sadie with a wry smile.

  The traffic was light, and it wasn’t long before they pulled up outside the departures lounge. The driver was thrilled to be driving two such good-looking women, and he couldn’t stop checking them out as they climbed out of his cab. He loved their British accents too – it instantly gave them a certain class. ‘Have a nice day now ladies,’ he told them, taking the suitcases out of the trunk.

  ‘You too,’ grinned Sadie, as they strode through the doors into the manic bustle of LAS. They checked in the luggage and headed towards security control. ‘Do you want to go through yet?’ Sadie asked Carla.

  ‘No, not yet. Let’s get a coffee or something first.’

  As they queued in Starbucks, Sadie’s attention was taken by the giant TV screen in the corner. It was showing American football, and even the young girl behind the counter seemed glued to it.

  ‘Who’s playing?’ Sadie asked.

  ‘Chargers versus the Broncos,’ the girl explained, as she turned away to make the drinks.

  ‘And who’s that?’ Sadie drooled, as a stunning black guy appeared on the screen, pulling off his helmet to show a vigorous, passionate face. Even with all the padding, Sadie could tell that his body was amazing, with a broad chest and strong, powerful thighs.

  ‘That’s Tyrone Cole. He’s the quarterback for the Chargers, and he’s gorgeous. He comes to Vegas all the time with his team-mates, but I’ve never seen him. One of my friends has though,’ the barista gushed, as she handed over two steaming mugs of cappuccino. ‘She works at the Palms, and he always stays there.’

  ‘Thanks. Have a nice day,’ Sadie grinned, trying out the phrase for herself as she and Carla found a table.

  It wasn’t until they were finally seated that Carla stared hard at Sadie and burst out, ‘Oh my God, I can’t believe you’re not coming back with me!’

  ‘Me neither,’ squealed Sadie, as the two girls clasped hands.

  ‘It’s brilliant that they chose you though, you did so well. This could be it, Sadie – this could finally be the break you’ve been waiting for.’

  In spite of herself, Sadie couldn’t hide her excitement at Carla’s words. It was exactly what she’d been thinking herself. When Karl and Brooke had rung her the previous night to say they wanted her to become a Kandy Girl, Sadie had had less than twenty-four hours to decide. She didn’t need that long – she knew instantly what her decision was. She loved it here, and knew that if she passed on this opportunity she would regret it forever. Perhaps she was crazy – but what did she have to go home for? London held bad memories for her now. A fresh start in a new city – hell, a new country – was exactly what she needed. Maybe things were finally starting to work out for her, and all that shit she’d gone through recently was for a reason.

  Carla blew across the foam on her drink and asked, ‘How long are you going to stay for? I mean, are you ever going to come back? I’d miss you so much if you didn’t.’

  ‘I don’t know,’ Sadie told her honestly.

  ‘But what if it all goes wrong?’ Carla whispered, as though she daren’t voice the thought out loud. ‘What will you do then?’

  ‘I’ll come home,’ Sadie said simply. ‘I’ve got no idea if this is going to work, but I have to try. The way I see it, there’s nothing to lose.’

  ‘You’re so brave,’ Carla told her admiringly.

  Sadie shook her head. ‘I’m running away. What better way to forget my problems than to lose myself in a magical city where everything’s a fantasy and nothing’s real? You know they call this place Disneyland for adults?’

  Carla smiled sadly, then drained her mug. ‘Shit, is that the time?’ she exclaimed, noticing the clock on the wall.

  As she spoke, the announcement came over the tannoy. ‘Flight VIR44W to London Gatwick is now boarding.’

  ‘I’ve got to go,’ Carla wailed, as she threw her arms around Sadie. ‘Take care of yourself, honey.’

  ‘I will,’ Sadie nodded, as her eyes began to well up.

  ‘Oh, don’t cry, you’ll set me off,’ Carla sniffed, as the tears began to roll down her cheeks.

  ‘I’m not crying – I’m just emotional,’ Sadie argued illogically. ‘I’m going to miss you so much.’

  ‘Me too. Skype me as soon as you get set up.’

  ‘I will. I promise. And Carla, do one thing for me.’

  ‘What’s that?’ asked Carla. She’d already agreed to speak to the landlord about Sadie’s tenancy, and to clear out her room for her. She was planning to ship out some of Sadie’s belongings and store the rest.

  ‘Dump Tom,’ Sadie said shortly. ‘He’s a total and utter asshole, as they say out here. You can do so much better, I know you can.’

  ‘I know, I know,’ Carla nodded, wiping her eyes. ‘I’d already decided that. Just seeing you make the break and go for what you want – I’m going to do the same.’

  The tannoy crackled into life once more. ‘Final call for flight VIR44W to London Gatwick.’

  ‘Shit, I’ve really got to go,’ swore Carla as she picked up her bag. They hugged tightly, before Carla ran through the security control gate. She turned and waved, then was gone.

  Sadie walked back through the airport wiping her eyes. She hoped she hadn’t messed up her make-up. As she strolled out of the air-conditioned building to the cab rank, she was struck by the heat and the sunshine, the sense of exhilaration in the air. For a moment she stood dazed as she watched a plane take off, climbing high above the desert and leaving a vapour trail across the cloudless blue sky. Sadie pulled down her sunglasses and wondered if Carla was on board.

  She was on her own now but she was excited at the prospect, full of optimism for what the future held. Being away from London had given her a much-needed sense of perspective – she realized how much bigger the world was than her own tiny corner of it. What did it matter if she’d taken a few knocks along the way? Out here she could start again. She might have lost out to Jenna Jonsson once before, but this time no one was going to snatch the opportunity away from her, Sadie thought fiercely. She’d been given a second chance and she intended to grab it with both hands.

  She climbed into a taxi and was soon heading back down the Strip towards The Play Rooms, where she had arranged to meet Karl. Las Vegas stretched out before her, dazzling in its ostentation and brazen excess. She was going to take this town, she vowed, feeling her heart start to beat faster with excitement. Vegas had better watch out – Sadie Laine was on her way.

  Only a few miles away from where Jenna and Nick lay curled together on the beach at Casa Santos, Zac and Amber’s relationship was falling apart.

  During the short journey home Amber had become hysterical, sobbing wildly one moment and screaming at Zac the next. At times she would grow quiet, repeatedly apologizing to Zac for her behaviour and insisting that she loved him. The next moment she was savage, pounding him with her fists as he struggled to keep the car on the road. It was largely done to get a re action out of him. Zac was so angry he didn’t trust himself to speak, so he said nothing.

  They pulled up outside the hotel and Zac attempted to get Amber to their room as quickly as possible – not an easy task when she was insisting that her leg was broken and that she couldn’t walk. The discreet hotel staff turned a blind eye when Amber once again began shouting at Zac in the lobby, and he simply picked her up and carried her to their suite.

  Zac rang down to reception and they sent a doctor to examine Amber’s leg. He pronounced it sprained, but not broken, and Amber sat meekly as he strapped up her ankle, only her bright red eyes and blotchy complexion betraying the fact that something was not quite right.

  ‘I’m going to bed,’ Zac announc
ed curtly, as soon as the doctor had left. He knew that he and Amber needed to talk, but he didn’t know if he could deal with that now. He had a lot to think about.

  ‘Are you mad with me, baby?’ Amber asked demurely, widening her eyes.

  Zac didn’t answer. He went into the bathroom and locked the door.

  ‘Zac?’ asked Amber uncertainly. Then she began to scream. ‘You bastard, how dare you fucking ignore me? Get out of there now. What’s the matter, are you too scared to face me? You cowardly shit, you—’

  Zac turned the shower on full, trying to block out the sound of Amber’s relentless tirade. Placing a hand on either side of the washbasin, he hung his head in defeat. He felt sick.

  He lifted his head to look at himself in the mirror. The harsh lights of the bathroom were unforgiving. He ran the cold tap until it felt icy, then plunged his head underneath. The freezing water was a shock to his skin, but it felt good. As he towelled himself off, he realized Amber had gone quiet.

  Zac sighed heavily. How had it all come to this?

  When he’d left his wife, Jessica, three years ago, he’d been convinced that it was the right thing to do, that he and Amber would stay together for keeps. The media had written them off as yet another celeb couple, bound to split up once the gloss had worn off, but Zac was sure they’d be proved wrong. He’d been through the wringer for this girl and was determined to make it work.

  He’d been too young when he’d married Jessica, he told himself. Just 18 years old, a good Southern boy eager to wed his childhood sweetheart and start a family. Then Phoenix went nuclear and suddenly he was barely home, travelling the globe and partying every night. Arizona seemed a very long way away. Zac tried his best to be a good husband, but he was confused. Life wasn’t working out the way it was supposed to, and in doing best by everyone else he was losing his sense of self.

  It was obvious the marriage was over by the time he met Amber at a party in New York. She had taken his breath away, and he was entranced. He’d kicked and screamed against it, trying to reconcile what his head and his heart were telling him, but in the end there was no way to fight it. He was absolutely, irrevocably in love with Amber. They both had heady, successful careers, which meant they had to spend long periods apart, but they understood that was the nature of their work. In the early days it had been a turn-on, the thrill of being part of a celebrated power couple riding high at the top of their chosen professions. But maybe it would ultimately be their downfall, Zac realized sadly.

  He unlocked the bathroom door. It opened with a gentle click.

  Amber was sitting on the bed with her back to him. Zac hesitated. He knew they needed to sort this out. He just didn’t know if he wanted to.

  Slowly, Zac crossed the room and knelt on the bed, putting his hands lovingly on Amber’s shoulders.

  ‘Don’t touch me,’ she hissed.

  Zac closed his eyes. ‘Amber,’ he began gently, ‘we need to talk.’ He paused. ‘I think you have a problem.’

  Amber rounded on him, eyes blazing. She had a rolled-up fifty-euro note clutched in her hand. ‘I have a problem?’ she screeched. ‘It always has to be my fault, doesn’t it? Everything’s always my fucking fault. Well, news flash for you baby – you’re the one with the fucking problem.’

  ‘Me?’ returned Zac incredulously, stung by her anger. ‘What have I done? I’m trying to make it better between us.’

  ‘You think I’m stupid,’ spat Amber. ‘You think I don’t notice? You and that slut. Do you think I didn’t see the way you looked at her?’

  ‘What’re you talking about?’ asked Zac helplessly, genuinely clueless about what she was referring to.

  ‘That Jonsson bitch, flaunting herself in front of you. I was talking to Kelly and she agrees with me. She’s nothing more than a dirty little slag. Everyone’s had a piece of her, and now you’re getting your bit.’

  ‘That’s not true,’ Zac said quietly, his voice carefully controlled as he fought to keep his temper in check. Of course he wasn’t sleeping with Jenna. She was hooking up with one of his best friends. The idea was ridiculous. Hell, he wasn’t even sure he liked the girl – if you looked in the dictionary under ‘high maintenance’, he was confident you’d find Jenna Jonsson’s photo.

  Okay, so she was undeniably a sexy chick, and it was natural that he should feel a little horny when he caught sight of her breasts bouncing slightly as she danced, or the way her ass wiggled when she was walking across the studio. But the idea of the two of them having a relationship? It was just … it was ludicrous.

  ‘It’s not true,’ Zac yelled. He was shouting this time; he suddenly felt absolutely furious, rage pumping through him.

  The look in his eyes scared Amber. High as she was, she knew she had pushed it too far. She began to cry.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ she sobbed. ‘I’m so sorry, I didn’t know what I was saying.’ She opened her arms for Zac and he held her, relieved that, for a while at least, his Amber was back.

  ‘I know it’s not true,’ she continued to sob. ‘I just love you so much, I get jealous sometimes. I’m sorry.’ She cried quietly for a while, gradually calming down as Zac held her. Neither of them spoke for a few moments, until Amber pulled away from him. She clung to his neck as she looked up at him. Her eyes were red, her face tear-streaked.

  She ran one finger down his cheek and suddenly, without warning, kissed him fiercely. Zac instantly responded, his body bearing down on her fragile frame. His head was a whirl of emotions and they clung to each other desperately, hungrily. With shaking fingers Zac wrenched up her skirt, plunging into her as Amber clawed at his back like a wild animal. The sex was frenzied and urgent, both of them needing to make a connection and find a release.

  Zac thrust hard, feeling the pressure of his orgasm build up inside him as instinct took over. He wanted his mind to go blank, to forget everything except how good it felt to be inside his girl and have her bucking and writhing in pleasure beneath him. This would show her, he thought distantly. Show Amber that all that talk about Jenna was just ridiculous. Where the hell had that come from anyway?, Zac wondered, before dismissing the thought.

  The last thing he wanted to think about now was Jenna. No, he didn’t want to think about those wicked, cat-like green eyes, or the way she looked up at him when he called her out on something, her cheeks flushed, her lips wet and slightly parted. He didn’t want to think about what it would be like to put his cock between those full, soft lips and let her suck him until he exploded. And he wasn’t going to think about the hard pink nipples he couldn’t help but notice, outlined against the material of those tight little tops she always wore. The perfect nipples on those full breasts, and what it would be like to take them in his mouth, then take her, pushing into her, his hands on that rounded butt, and just ride away …

  Zac moaned loudly as he came, the waves of pleasure relentlessly washing over him in sweet release. He held Amber tightly as she pressed against him, lost in the intensity of her own orgasm. They clung to each other, motionless for a few moments, until Zac rolled off her and took her in his arms; then they lay together in silence as their heart rates gradually slowed.

  Amber propped herself up on one elbow and turned to look at him. ‘Do you still love me?’ she asked seriously, hardly daring to hear the reply.

  A solitary tear rolled down her cheek and Zac wiped it away with his thumb. ‘Of course I do,’ he told her, kissing her gently. ‘Of course I do.’

  He hoped he’d sounded convincing, because the truth was he didn’t know what the hell to think. Somehow, somewhere, Amber had hit a nerve, recognizing something that Zac hadn’t even realized himself. Jenna Jonsson – the girl his best friend was crazy about; the woman he was supposed to be making a record with; hell, probably the most famous pop star on the planet …

  It was too fucked-up to think about.

  Zac was falling for Jenna Jonsson.



  ‘Diamonds …’ Sadie
purred into the microphone, as she crooned the opening chorus of ‘Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend’. Giving a Marilyn-style wiggle, she surveyed the crowd before her through smouldering, half-closed eyes. The room was dark and tightly packed, arranged cabaret-style as the young, moneyed clientele lounged around small candlelit tables on velvet-covered faux-Louis XIV chairs. The air was thick with curling cigarette smoke, making Sadie feel as though she was in some decadent 1920s Berlin club, not The Play Rooms just off the Strip. Everyone was drinking, laughing, having a good time as the champagne flowed; it was pure hedonism, exactly what Las Vegas was famous for.

  As she sang, Sadie tugged gently at each fingertip of the long, white gloves she was wearing, before pulling them off with her teeth and throwing them into the crowd to raucous applause.

  The big band musical soundtrack rose to a crescendo, and Sadie prepared for her grand finale, belting out the well-known lyrics. With one swift movement she ripped aside the full-length pink satin dress she was wearing to reveal a dazzling silver corset, dripping with diamonds – fake, unfortunately for Sadie. The crowd went crazy, on their feet applauding as Sadie gave a little shimmy before blowing a kiss and tottering off stage on her silver glitter heels.

  As soon as she reached the wings she pulled off her blonde wig, shaking out her own glossy, dark hair. She could still hear the cheers and wolf-whistles of the crowd a few feet away. Out of nowhere, a pair of hands appeared to help her on with her final outfit.

  ‘Thanks Brooke,’ Sadie grinned, as she pulled the dress down over her corset; the change for the encore needed split-second timing, so there was no time to remove it.

  Quickly, Sadie applied a coat of glossy red lipstick before smoothing down her white stockings.

  ‘Is my hat straight?’ she asked Brooke, as she pulled it on.

  Brooke reached up and made a couple of adjustments, fastening it on with a hairpin. ‘Perfect.’